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Hannah Kay is a cowbell ringing, true maroon wearing writer of young adult fiction and a graduate of English from Mississippi State University. Hannah teaches high school English as a relatable language and hopes to instill a love of reading and writing into her students.
A self-proclaimed wallflower, Hannah published her first short novel, The Artist and Me, with Finch Books in April of 2016, and followed with The Separation in March of 2017. When Hannah isn’t glued to her keyboard, she can be found curled up on the couch watching reruns on TV or singing show tunes at the top of her lungs. Feel free to connect with Hannah on social media for updates!
Questions and Answers
What inspires you the most?
My Pinterest is a menagerie of images - characters, settings, and situations that become lots. When/if I get stuck, I pick one of the pictures and write to it.
Where do you like to write?
Anywhere and everywhere! I will write on a bench mid-winter or in a crowded cafeteria. One of my favorite memories from Mississippi State is sitting in the hallway outside of my Shakespeare class with my laptop - writing Project Emma.
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